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We strive to provide top notch tech service help with our customers so they can be successful with their vw projects.

Technical Help For Air-Cooled VW Enthusiasts

Kadrons & Other Performance Upgrades:

We Help You Succeed.


Our goal is to provide technical help and knowledge for customers who purchase parts from us. Over the years, we've helped thousands of VW owners be successful with their projects.  One of the key elements to their success, is  they've had someone knowledgeable who was willing to spend the required time to answer questions and give a helping hand.  We've compiled a list of articles that we've written for Hot VW's, some projects we've done ourselves, and some technical downloads that we think you might find helpful.  We will continue to add to this list as often as we can.  We hope you find these to a great accompaniment to our TECH TV video series.


© 2010-2017 Kaddie Shack

10902 Grand Ave, Unit H

Temple City, CA 91780

